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水稻抗白背飞虱新基因Wbph6(t)的定位初报   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
应用由90个株系组成的TN1/鬼衣谷F3群体,分析了水稻抗白背飞虱新基因Wbph6 (t)与DNA标记的连锁关系。应用隐性极端群体法,将[WTBX][STBX]Wbph6[WTBZ][STBZ](t)定位于第11染色体短臂,与SSLP 标记RM167的遗传距离为21.2 cM。  相似文献   
爪哇稻Wanilava细胞质雄性不育系的创建及AFLP指纹图谱分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
初步鉴定了爪哇稻Wanilava细胞质雄性不育系的特征特性,并以2套水稻(Oryza sativa)同核异质材料273JW(爪哇型胞质不育系)、273D(D型胞质不育系)及其对应的保持系273B, 803JW(爪哇型胞质不育系)、803WA(野败型胞质不育系)及其对应的保持系803B为研究对象,利用AFLP 分子标记技术构建了JW型不育胞质的指纹图谱,分离了JW型胞质与野败型胞质及保持系的差异片段。  相似文献   
A geometrical model of weft knitted spacer structures made with mono-filament yarn has been analysed to understand the spacer yarn path. Theoretical models have been created to predict the porosity and the radius of the capillaries of a knitted spacer structure depending on their geometrical parameters, such as course spacing, wale spacing, stitch length, fabric thickness, count of yarn and fibre density. Polyester knitted spacer fabrics were produced with different parameters; their porosity was determined by measuring the weight and compared with the theoretical porosity. The validity of the model was confirmed by experimental results. The porosity of knitted spacer structures made out of mono-filament yarn can be maintained above a certain level by adjusting the fabric parameters such as fabric thickness, course spacing and wale spacing.  相似文献   
杂色鲍(Haliotis diversicolor)是中国南方主要的鲍养殖种类,近年来“东优1号”杂色鲍因较高的成活率优势已在产业上得到越来越广泛的推广养殖.该研究采用3×3完全双列杂交的方式,对杂色鲍“东优1号”群体、杂色鲍古雷群体和杂色鲍越南群体3个群体自繁与杂交后代的养殖性能进行跟踪,并对其杂种优势进行评估.结果表明,3个群体自繁后代的生长速度和成活率上存在显著差异(P<0.05),同时3个组合的生长速度与成活率的双亲杂种优势率值均不高,且2个单亲杂种优势率值之间有显著差异(P<0.05).  相似文献   
A survey consisting of 146 first order gullies selected from five sites with different land use, soil and watershed properties was carried out to estimate the parameters of the empirical power function in order to describe the relationship between the gully volume and length in Fars province, Iran. Subsequently, the gullies were clustered into seven groups (“A” to “G”) based on nine morphometric factors. The linearized functions were fitted to the natural logarithms of the volume and length in each group and the parameters “a” and “b” were determined. The obtained “a” and “b” parameters are in the ranges of 1.0–10.8 and 0.8–1.4, respectively. Comparison of “a” and “b” parameters in each group with the mean of nine factors and the mean soil, watershed and land use characteristics in each group showed that the gully volume and average cross section are correlated with the gully depths in different sections and the gully head slopes. Also it was shown that the parameters of fitted functions to the plots of gully volumes versus gully lengths are proportional to width at the gully heads. The gully widths at the top and bottom of the five meter sections are correlated with the average upstream watershed area of the gullies.  相似文献   
农田耕作措施对近地表风沙运动的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
我国北方传统耕作模式的犁耕、耙磨及磨平整地措施对农田近地表风沙活动影响显著。通过对春季半干旱沙区农田风沙活动的观测,本文对犁耕、耙磨磨平两种处理下近地表0~60 cm内输沙率和风沙流结构随田块长度的变化规律进行了研究。结果表明,耙磨磨平处理破坏了犁耕在农田地表形成的非可蚀性土块结构,使近地表0~60 cm内输沙率增大,在强沙尘事件中增加幅度可达数10倍。犁耕地表上输沙率随田块长度的增加呈指数关系递增,而耙磨磨平后风沙流发育的饱和路径长度减小,在强沙尘事件中近地表输沙率随田块长度的增加而递减。此外,上风向处犁耕地表低层输沙比例(Q0-10/Q0-60)小于耙磨磨平地表,且随田块长度的增加逐渐增大,而耙磨磨平后风沙流结构随田块长度的变化不大。  相似文献   
Genetic diversity in 49 plants of 16 accessions representing one wild and two cultivated taxa of Cynara cardunculus L. (wild cardoon, cultivated cardoon and globe artichoke) was investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphic (AFLP) analysis. Four pairs of primers identified a total of 264 scorable loci, 196 of which were polymorphic. The number of markers scored per primer combination ranged from 41 to 107, with an average of 66 markers per primer combination. All the primer combinations detected polymorphism. The data were used for cluster analysis and AMOVA. The clusters obtained are in agreement with the current botanical classification and the differences among the taxa were substantial. The eco‐geographical groups within wild cardoon are clearly separated in relative subclusters, and reflect the geography of the collection areas. The six clones of the four cultivated artichoke varieties were clearly separated into four subclusters, corresponding to the current classification which is based on morphological traits. The results obtained may have a direct and important bearing on plant genetic resource conservation and management and on breeding.  相似文献   
不同温度对大豆种子萌发影响的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对东农42、东农43、东农163、合丰25、绥农10号采用六种发芽温度4℃、8℃、12℃、15℃、20℃、25℃下温度对大豆种子萌发影响的研究,表明:4℃、8℃温度过低,在调查期间种子一直没有发芽。其它几个温度的发芽率以15℃为最高,12℃为最低,同前人研究发芽率随温度升高而升高不同。同一温度不同品种的发芽率、平均芽长在品种间差异显著,说明种子萌发受遗传因素影响,同一品种不同温度之间的平均芽长随温度的升高依次升高。实验的研究有利于确定大豆的田间播种温度,为适时早播,保证田间种子的发芽,出苗,成苗,及时的成熟提供依据,并为最终的高产奠定基础。  相似文献   
亏缺灌溉对成龄库尔勒香梨产量与根系生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了亏缺灌溉对成龄库尔勒香梨树营养生长、果实生长与吸收根系分布的影响。香梨的生育中期,设计了4种土壤水分亏缺(灌前土壤水势下限):轻度胁迫(-100 kPa)、中度胁迫(-200 kPa)、重度胁迫(-300 kPa)和对照(-50 kPa)。灌溉系统为地表滴灌。试验结果表明,亏缺灌溉显著地减少了夏季剪枝量,提高了果实产量。充分灌溉条件下,香梨树根长密度从树行由内向外呈递减趋势,滴灌促进了湿润体内的吸收根系的发育;距树行0.5 m,根长密度随着深度的增加而减少;距树行1 m至1.5 m,根长密度随着深度的增加而增加;距树行2 m的非灌溉区,根长密度在垂直方向上变化不显著。为适应滴灌湿润体内水分胁迫,香梨树在湿润体内及非灌溉区的吸收根系的分布均发生了显著的调整。适度水分胁迫下的根长密度增加对香梨产量有促进作用。  相似文献   
中性温度层结时森林郁闭度与林冠上风速廓线的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文利用风洞实验及野外实测资料,用逼近方法求出中性温度层结时不同郁闭度林分林冠以上风速廓线特征.结果表明,风速廓线参数(零平面位移d、林冠表面粗糙度Z0、动力速度U)随郁闭度C的变化而改变,d随C的增大而增大,二者关系可由对数函数表示:d=(H/a)ln(C/C0).Z0和U的变化特征比较相似,在C=02附近有最大值,C再增大或减小,Z0和U值均逐渐减小  相似文献   
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